Elena Delendi has been practising yoga since 2006. In 2011 she moved to India and lived there for 2 years, learning spiritual practices from Indian Yogis and Sadhus. She studied and practiced Eastern and Western philosophy, theosophy, ancient esoteric knowledge, spiritual yoga, integral yoga of Sri Aurobinado and Mother, breathing techniques, sacred movement, energy clearing and different holistic healing techniques. She works with meditation guidance and heart chakra opening by channeling the spirit of the Divine Mother. While being in India In 2016, she discovered special healing techniques by combining crystal therapy, mandalas, galactic symbols, colours and sound healing. She developed techniques to help people to settle in their true nature and dissolve psychological and physical energy blocks!
I was born in Minsk, Belarus. During my childhood, I already started to have lucid dreams and deep spiritual experiences. I felt very different from other children. I thought a lot about creation, the universe and our cosmos. During my teenage time I struggled a lot with understanding the 3D matrix system on Earth. To live on planet Earth felt rather strange for me. I set out to search for answers.
The spiritual doors opened for me in 2006 when I started to visit Chinese tea ceremonies which were organized by a friend of mine. He gave me some spiritual books and also shared with me the contact of a yoga teacher. I visited my first yoga class and it was a very powerful experience. I started to practice yoga. For many years I was in-between two worlds and I struggled a lot. I was working in the fashion industry. My lifestyle during this time was very unhealthy. I went to lots of parties and my environment was very unhealthy for my soul. My soul was always searching for something else than the superficial satisfaction of fulfilling my surface desires. My environment at this moment wasn’t beneficial for my spiritual growth.
Everything changed in 2011 when I decided to travel to India for a few months. Ultimately I would spend almost two years in India and this trip changed the course of my life completely. It was a very challenging time during which I was going through very deep karma cleaning and ego death. I stayed for three months in the Himalaya’s during which I went through a magical transformation: A friend of mine, a yogi from Ukraine, invited me to visit the holy Bhrigu lake which is situated at 43000M altitude in the Himalayas. We were a very small group of people and during this experience my old self was shed completely. After returning to Vashisht village, I received my first awakening experience and I started to practice yoga and meditation intensely. During two years of very practice I saw my past life’s and discovered that I did a lot of spiritual practice in my past life’s. This is why I was able to receive such advanced spiritual wisdom and knowledge in a relative short time. It was an awakening of my memory and consciousness. I started to learn and practice different spiritual traditions such as: Vedic knowledge, integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo, different lines of Buddhism, Advaita-Vedanta, Shaktism, Kemetic knowledge, Theosophy and more. Ultimately I wasn’t the same person anymore at the end of this trip. My spiritual self had emerged and my 3D self was left behind completely. I went from partying and unhealthy habits to meditation and studying advanced spiritual knowledge. I decided to return to Europe after I felt that my spiritual transformation was done for that time.
I came back to Europe in May 2013, almost two years after I embarked on my transformation in Europe. During a trip to Berlin in October 2013, I visited an Egyptian exposition for the first time after which I received some powerful downloads about my connections with Ancient Egypt. I spent lots of time discovering more information about Ancient Egyptian culture and religion. This was the next step in my spiritual recollection. After my trip to Berlin, I started my own fashion label together with a friend. This was the way for me to create some financial support for my spiritual journey.
I returned to India in 2014 and studied yoga and Vedas in a small Advaita `Vedanta ashram in Rajasthan. It was a beautiful time during which I went deeper into Indian culture and connected with local yogis and sadhu’s. I visited many temples and practised meditation very intensely. In 2014 I had a dream that I needed to start sharing my knowledge and practices. I started to teach yoga and organized workshops about meditation.
After a time in Europe I returned to India again in 2016. I finally travelled to Auroville which turned out to be the highest frequency place that I would visit in my spiritual journey. Since I came to India in 2012 I got in touch with the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) who were creators of this international divine city. It was my dream to visit Matrimandir temple in Auroville and I had the special opportunity to meditate inside this temple in Auroville for which I am eternally grateful. I was a truly cosmic experience, impossible to describe in words.
During this trip I met a beautiful soul who became my spiritual guide: Biwa Crystal. She shared powerful galactic universal wisdom, knowledge about crystals, sacred geometry mandalas and symbolic forces from higher dimensions and star system with me. After receiving and practising this knowledge, I started to give healing sessions to people combining crystals, Reiki, symbols, sound and sacred geometry. I also discovered that my soul originates from the Sirius star system. During astral traveling I was able to visit my soul star family from Sirius. I started to connect with some light beings from high dimensional planes and different star systems. I received energy transmissions, downloads of information and lots of healing from these beings.
After this trip I spent almost two years in Berlin. During this time, I organised workshops and events in different places in Berlin: Bodhichariya Berlin (a Buddhist center), YourSpace, Spirit Berlin and many others. I also gave crystal healing workshops during the Agape Zoe festival and was able to collaborate with many spiritual teachers. I was teaching yoga, meditation and shared healing sessions for people with different background and from different social groups.
In December 2017 I moved to Barcelona and continued my light work in this city. I was sharing my knowledge and practice with more and more people. I organized spiritual events in collaboration with different teachers in different places in Barcelona. I started to focus on sharing divine feminine wisdom which I had been practising for many years. My connection with the Cosmic Mother was very deep and I started to be able to channel her energies through my body. Together with my cosmic sisters we started to organize women circles and retreats for women. We shared practices and knowledge about the Goddess culture. For many women it is a very healing experience to practice this knowledge. Working with the divine feminine has always been very special to me. I have a very deep devotion for the feminine aspect of our creator which is Shakti or Divine Mother of all.
In May 2019 I moved to Ibiza with my husband who I met in Barcelona. I am very happy to live on such a magical island after spending the past years in busy cities. It’s a very special place with very pure energy. Every day when I take a walk by the sea or through the forest, I am grateful to live in paradise. I feel that my soul has come to a more balanced state from which creativity springs abundantly.
In November 2019, I gave birth to my first child here on Ibiza. As a conscious mother, I am planning to share information about my pregnancy and postnatal recovery. Becoming a mother is a full transformational experience. There are some simple tips which I want to share with other woman about conscious motherhood.
In 2020 I will set up new spiritual projects and will be happy to share them soon with public.
I wish all of you a beautiful day and thanks a lot for diving in to my story! If you have any questions or need some information, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to share.
Love & Light